Calorie Burned Calculator
Estimate the number of calories you burn during various activities and exercises.
About Calorie Burned Calculator
The Free Calorie Burned Calculator estimates the number of calories you burn during various physical activities. It takes into account your weight, gender, the type of activity, and the duration of the exercise.
- Calculates estimated calories burned based on established MET (Metabolic Equivalent of Task) values, with adjustments for gender.
- Provides results for a wide range of activities, from walking and running to sports and household chores.
- Visualizes calorie burn over time with an interactive line chart.
- Supports both Metric (kg) and Imperial (lbs) units.
How to Use:
- Select your preferred units (Metric or Imperial).
- Enter your gender and weight.
- Choose the activity you performed from the dropdown menu.
- Enter the duration of the activity in minutes.
- Click "Calculate Calories Burned" to get your results.
Calculation Method:
This calculator uses the formula: Calories Burned = (MET x Weight in kg x Factor / 200) x Duration in minutes. The "Factor" in the equation is adjusted based on gender: approximately 3.5 for males and 3.1 for females. MET values are standardized measures of energy expenditure for different activities. This formula provides an estimate, as individual calorie burn can vary based on factors like fitness level and intensity of effort.
Understanding Your Results:
- Calories Burned: The estimated total calories burned during the activity.
- Calories per Minute: The average number of calories burned per minute.
- MET: The Metabolic Equivalent of Task value for the selected activity.
- Chart: The line chart shows how calories burned accumulate over the duration of the activity.
Why Gender Matters:
On average, men tend to have a higher proportion of muscle mass compared to women. Muscle tissue burns more calories at rest than fat tissue. This difference in body composition is one reason why calorie burn estimations are adjusted for gender. This calculator uses a slightly lower multiplier in the formula for females to provide a more accurate estimate.
Additional Resources:
- Measuring Physical Activity Intensity - Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
- Physical Activity Calorie Counter - American Council on Exercise (ACE)
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"Calorie Burned Calculator" at from miniwebtool,
by miniwebtool team. Updated: Dec 10, 2024
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