On Base Percentage Calculator
Calculate the on base percentage.
About On Base Percentage Calculator
The On Base Percentage Calculator (OBP Calculator) is used to calculate the on base percentage (abbreviated OBP).
On Base Percentage Definition
In baseball statistics, on base percentage (OBP) is a measure of how often a batter reaches base for any reason other than a fielding error, fielder’s choice, dropped/uncaught third strike, fielder’s obstruction, or catcher’s interference. On base percentage is sometimes referred to as on-base average, as the statistic is rarely presented as a true percentage.
On Base Percentage Calculation Formula
On-base percentage is calculated using the following formula, where H is Hits, BB is Bases on Balls (Walks), HBP is times Hit By a Pitch, AB is At bats, and SF is Sacrifice Flies.
OBP = (H + BB + HBP) / (AB + BB + HBP + SF)
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"On Base Percentage Calculator" at https://miniwebtool.com/on-base-percentage-calculator/ from miniwebtool, https://miniwebtool.com/
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