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Tìm kiếm trích dẫn của người nổi tiếng (tiếng Anh)

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Tìm kiếm trích dẫn của người nổi tiếng (tiếng Anh)
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William Penn quotes

William Penn
English real estate entrepreneur, philosopher, early Quaker and founder of the Province of Pennsylvania (1644-1718)

William Penn was an English writer and religious thinker belonging to the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers), and founder of the Province of Pennsylvania, a North American colony of England. He was an early advocate of democracy and religious freedom, notable for his good relations and successful treaties with the Lenape Native Americans.
Reference: Wikipedia

William Penn Quotes

For death is no more than a turning of us over from time to eternity.
Patience and Diligence, like faith, remove mountains.
A true friend freely, advises justly, assists readily, adventures boldly, takes all patiently, defends courageously, and continues a friend unchangeably.
Men must be governed by God or they will be ruled by tyrants.
Let the people think they govern and they will be governed.

The jealous are troublesome to others, but a torment to themselves.
Humility and knowledge in poor clothes excel pride and ignorance in costly attire.
Knowledge is the treasure of a wise man.
Some are so very studious of learning what was done by the ancients that they know not how to live with the moderns.
In marriage do thou be wise: prefer the person before money, virtue before beauty, the mind before the body then thou hast a wife, a friend, a companion, a second self.


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