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Tìm kiếm trích dẫn của người nổi tiếng (tiếng Anh)

Tìm kiếm hàng ngàn từ tiếng Anh nổi tiếng.

Tìm kiếm trích dẫn của người nổi tiếng (tiếng Anh)
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Scott Brooks quotes

Scott Brooks
American basketball player and coach

Scott William Brooks is an American professional basketball coach and former player who is the top assistant coach for the Portland Trail Blazers of the National Basketball Association (NBA). He played point guard at San Joaquin Delta College and Texas Christian University before playing his last two years at the University of California, Irvine. He was inducted into UCI's Hall of Fame in 2001.
Reference: Wikipedia

Scott Brooks Quotes

I believe this with all my heart: The greatest coach of all time in my eyes is my mom. She's instilled in me a toughness and a perseverance and just a never-quit mentality, and I thank her every day for providing me, for what she sacrificed her life for.
To this day, I hate walnuts and I hate onions because on weekends when the walnuts and onions were in season, we were out there first thing in the morning and out there until the sun went down topping onions or picking walnuts.


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