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Tìm kiếm trích dẫn của người nổi tiếng (tiếng Anh)

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Tìm kiếm trích dẫn của người nổi tiếng (tiếng Anh)
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Jean-Jacques Rousseau quotes

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Genevan philosopher, writer and composer (1712–1778)

Jean-Jacques Rousseau was a Genevan philosopher, writer, and composer. His political philosophy influenced the progress of the Age of Enlightenment throughout Europe, as well as aspects of the French Revolution and the development of modern political, economic, and educational thought.
Reference: Wikipedia

Jean-Jacques Rousseau Quotes

O love, if I regret the age when one savors you, it is not for the hour of pleasure, but for the one that follows it.
Plant and your spouse plants with you weed and you weed alone.
Absolute silence leads to sadness. It is the image of death.
No true believer could be intolerant or a persecutor. If I were a magistrate and the law carried the death penalty against atheists, I would begin by sending to the stake whoever denounced another.
We are born weak, we need strength helpless, we need aid foolish, we need reason. All that we lack at birth, all that we need when we come to man's estate, is the gift of education.

Base souls have no faith in great individuals.
How many famous and high-spirited heroes have lived a day too long?
God made me and broke the mold.
People who know little are usually great talkers, while men who know much say little.
Happiness: a good bank account, a good cook, and a good digestion.


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