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Wyszukiwarka cytatów celebrytów (angielski)

Przeszukuj tysiące słynnych angielskich słów.

Remember that failure is an event, not a person.
Zig Ziglar quotes

Zig Ziglar
American motivational speaker (1926-2012)

You cannot climb the ladder of success dressed in the costume of failure.
Zig Ziglar quotes

Zig Ziglar
American motivational speaker (1926-2012)

Failure is a detour, not a dead-end street.
Zig Ziglar quotes

Zig Ziglar
American motivational speaker (1926-2012)

In Iraq we must succeed. Failure is not an option.
Zbigniew Brzezinski quotes

Zbigniew Brzezinski
Polish-American political scientist (1928-2017)

We have actually experienced in recent months a dramatic demonstration of an unprecedented intelligence failure, perhaps the most significant intelligence failure in the history of the United States.
Zbigniew Brzezinski quotes

Zbigniew Brzezinski
Polish-American political scientist (1928-2017)

Failure to properly control our borders costs citizens in many ways: schools become overcrowded, medical resources are stretched too thin, other government services are overtaxed, and taxes increase further.
Zach Wamp quotes

Zach Wamp
American politician

If I didn't have children, I think my life would be a failure.
Yann Martel quotes

Yann Martel
Canadian author

Every book I've written has been a different attempt to understand something, and the success or failure of the previous one is irrelevant. I write the book I want.
Yann Martel quotes

Yann Martel
Canadian author

African Americans make up about 13 percent of the U.S. population but comprise 32 percent of patients treated for kidney failure, giving them a kidney failure rate that is 4.2 times greater than that of white Americans.
Xavier Becerra quotes

Xavier Becerra
25th United States Secretary of Health and Human Services

Twenty million more have Chronic Kidney Disease, where patients experience a gradual deterioration of kidney function, the end result of which is kidney failure.
Xavier Becerra quotes

Xavier Becerra
25th United States Secretary of Health and Human Services


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