Fraction to Percent Converter
Convert fraction to percentage.
About Fraction to Percent Converter
The Fraction to Percent Converter is used to convert a fraction to a percentage.
- Convert fractions to percentages easily.
- Supports user-defined precision, including an option for unlimited decimal places.
Use Case
This tool is helpful for students, teachers, or professionals who need to quickly convert a fraction into a percentage for mathematical calculations or presentations, with control over the number of decimal places displayed.
How to Use
- Enter the numerator and denominator of your fraction.
- Select how many decimal places you would like in the result, or choose "No Limit" for the most precise result.
- Click "Convert Fraction to Percentage" to see the result.
Example: Convert the fraction 4/5 into a percentage:
- 4/5 can be written as 0.8;
- Multiplied 0.8 by 100, 0.8 × 100 = 80, so the percentage of fraction 4/5 is 80%.
Reference this content, page, or tool as:
"Fraction to Percent Converter" at from miniwebtool,
by miniwebtool team. Updated: Sep 10, 2024
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