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Quote Finder: You can also download unlimited quote cards in JPG format.

About Quote Finder

The Quote Finder is a digital tool that allows users to effortlessly search through thousands of quotes. Whether you're looking for a specific word, phrase, or author, our comprehensive database has got you covered.

How Does Quote Finder Work?

Simply input your desired keyword, phrase, or author's name, and let the Quote Finder do the magic. In seconds, you'll be presented with a list of relevant quotations.

Features of the Quote Finder:

1. Search Flexibility:

Search for your favorite quotes using specific words or delve into the wisdom of renowned authors.

2. Comprehensive Database:

From historical gems to contemporary thoughts, our vast database ensures you find the quote that resonates with you.

3. Share and Download:

Found a quote that touched your soul? Share it with the world or download it for keepsake.

4. Enhance Your Website:

Website owners can seamlessly embed our tool, offering visitors an engaging experience.


No, the Quote Finder on MiniWebTool is free to use. If you find value in this tool, kindly spread the word among friends or consider linking to us from your website.

The Quote Finder aims to provide accurate and reliable quotes. However, always cross-check with original sources when using quotes for official purposes.

The Quote Finder primarily allows users to search by words or authors. For specific genres or time periods, you might need to include those terms in your search query.

If you can't find a specific quote, try using different keywords or check the spelling of the words or author's name. If you still can't find it, the quote might not be in the database.
We value your input! If you have a quote you'd like to see added to our Quote Finder, please reach out using our feedback function. We're always eager to enhance our collection with meaningful contributions.

Further Reading

  1. Library of Congress - Finding Quotations
  2. Harvard Library - How Can I Find A Specific Quotation?

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by miniwebtool team. Updated: Jul 08, 2024

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