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Zosia Mamet quotes

Zosia Mamet
American actor-musician

Zosia Russell Mamet is an American actress and musician who has appeared in television series including Mad Men, United States of Tara and Parenthood, and played the character Shoshanna Shapiro on the HBO original series Girls. She currently stars as Annie Mouradian in the HBO Max original series The Flight Attendant.
Reference: Wikipedia

Zosia Mamet Quotes

My dad has always been really helpful. He taught me that talent is a bonus, but persistence is what wins out.
But my father was also the one who told me I needed to clean up my mouth or I'd never find a man. What's very important to him is manners. Show up on time. Always send thank-you letters. He is one of the more thoughtful humans I've ever met. He's a great man and a very good dad.
I think feminism's a bit misinterpreted. It was about casting off all gender roles. There's nothing wrong with a man holding a door open for a girl. But we sort of threw away all the rules, so everybody's confused. And dating becomes a sloppy, uncomfortable, unpleasant thing.
My mom was onstage when she was pregnant with me.


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