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Zoe Saldana quotes

Zoe Saldana
American actress

Zoe Yadira Saldaña-Perego is an American actress. After performing with the theater group Faces she appeared in two 1999 episodes of Law & Order. Her film career began a year later with Center Stage (2000) in which she portrayed a ballet dancer.
Reference: Wikipedia

Zoe Saldana Quotes

I'm very accepting with my age. It's like notches on your belt: experience, wisdom, and a different kind of beauty. There comes a day when you've become comfortable in your skin.
I just want to be a part of great stories, whether I'm part of an amazing ensemble cast or I'm leading it or the antagonist or whatever.
It takes a lot of courage to face up to things you can't do because we feed ourselves so much denial.
Glamour is about feeling good in your own skin.
Happiness is nothing but temporary moments here and there - and I love those. But I would be bored out of my mind if I were happy all the time.

I'm so intrigued by women throughout history where the significance of what they were representing at that time is obscured by the fact a man saved them or they were prostitutes.
I'm learning the power of going away for the weekend and keeping myself company.
Growing up, my dolls were doctors and on secret missions. I had Barbie Goes Rambo.
Basically, there's not enough sex in movies, that's it. I'm trying to say it, people. I miss sex in movies because sex is natural, guns are not.
I'm a sci-fi girl. If I can have anything in life, I'd want tons of great science-fiction movies and stories. It's so progressive, beautiful, and imaginative.

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