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Wynonna Judd quotes

Wynonna Judd
American country singer (born 1964)

Wynonna Ellen Judd or simply Wynonna is an American country music singer. She is one of the most widely recognized and awarded female country singers. In all, she has had 19 No. 1 singles, including those of The Judds, making her one of the best-selling country artists of all time. Her solo albums and singles are all credited to the single name Wynonna. She first rose to fame in the 1980s alongside her mother, Naomi, in the country music duo The Judds. They released seven albums on Curb Records in addition to 26 singles, of which fourteen were No. 1 hits.
Reference: Wikipedia

Wynonna Judd Quotes

My story of success and failure is not just about music and being famous. It's about living and loving and trying to find purpose in this crazy world.
The failures and successes are necessary for learning.


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