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William Shenstone quotes

William Shenstone
English poet and landscape gardener (1714-1763)

William Shenstone was an English poet and one of the earliest practitioners of landscape gardening through the development of his estate, The Leasowes.
Reference: Wikipedia

William Shenstone Quotes

Anger is a great force. If you control it, it can be transmuted into a power which can move the whole world.
Grandeur and beauty are so very opposite, that you often diminish the one as you increase the other. Variety is most akin to the latter, simplicity to the former.
Jealousy is the fear or apprehension of superiority: envy our uneasiness under it.
The best time to frame an answer to the letters of a friend, is the moment you receive them. Then the warmth of friendship, and the intelligence received, most forcibly cooperate.
Hope is a flatterer, but the most upright of all parasites for she frequents the poor man's hut, as well as the palace of his superior.

Laws are generally found to be nets of such a texture, as the little creep through, the great break through, and the middle-sized are alone entangled in it.
Consider, when you are enraged at any one, what you would probably think if he should die during the dispute.


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