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Walter Scott quotes

Walter Scott
Scottish novelist, poet and playwright (1771–1832)

Sir Walter Scott, 1st Baronet, was a Scottish historical novelist, poet, playwright and historian. Many of his works remain classics of European and Scottish literature, notably the novels Ivanhoe, Rob Roy, Waverley, Old Mortality, The Heart of Mid-Lothian and The Bride of Lammermoor, and the narrative poems The Lady of the Lake and Marmion. He had a major impact on European and American literature.
Reference: Wikipedia

Walter Scott Quotes

One crowded hour of glorious life is worth an age without a name.
For success, attitude is equally as important as ability.
Success or failure in business is caused more by the mental attitude even than by mental capacities.
He is the best sailor who can steer within fewest points of the wind, and exact a motive power out of the greatest obstacles.
To all, to each, a fair good-night, and pleasing dreams, and slumbers light.

A lawyer without history or literature is a mechanic, a mere working mason if he possesses some knowledge of these, he may venture to call himself an architect.
Vacant heart, and hand, and eye, Easy live and quiet die.
Stood for his country's glory fast, And nailed her colors to the mast!
Profan'd the God-given strength, and marr'd the lofty line.
November's sky is chill and drear, November's leaf is red and sear.


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