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Happiness is nothing but temporary moments here and there - and I love those. But I would be bored out of my mind if I were happy all the time.
Zoe Saldana
American actress
I think people should know more of Africa in terms of its joie de vivre, its feeling for life. In spite of the images that one knows about Africa - the economic poverty, the corruption - there's a joy to living and a happiness in community, living together, in community life, which may be missing here in America.
Youssou N'Dour
Senegalese politician and singer-songwriter
Sorrow happens, hardship happens, the hell with it, who never knew the price of happiness, will not be happy.
Yevgeny Yevtushenko
Soviet and Russian poet (1933–2017)
I thank my God for graciously granting me the opportunity of learning that death is the key which unlocks the door to our true happiness.
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Austrian composer of the Classical period
The crown of life is neither happiness nor annihilation it is understanding.
Winifred Holtby
British writer
I think government has a major role to play in helping us with the pursuit of happiness.
William Weld
American politician, Governor of Massachusetts (1991-1997)
But O, how bitter a thing it is to look into happiness through another man's eyes.
William Shakespeare
English poet, playwright, and actor (1564–1616)
But, O, how bitter a thing it is to look into happiness through another man's eyes!
William Shakespeare
English poet, playwright, and actor (1564–1616)
Sir, I am a true laborer: I earn that I eat, get that I wear, owe no man hate, envy no man's happiness, glad of other men's good, content with my harm, and the greatest of my pride is to see my ewes graze and my lambs suck.
William Shakespeare
English poet, playwright, and actor (1564–1616)
I am a true laborer: I earn that I eat, get that I wear, owe no man hate, envy no man's happiness, glad of other men's good, content with my harm.
William Shakespeare
English poet, playwright, and actor (1564–1616)
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