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Grab the broom of anger and drive off the beast of fear.
Zora Neale Hurston
African American folklorist, novelist, short story writer, and Civic Rights advocate (1891-1960)
I think it is important to ask ourselves as citizens, not as Democrats attacking the administration, but as citizens, whether a world power can really provide global leadership on the basis of fear and anxiety?
Zbigniew Brzezinski
Polish-American political scientist (1928-2017)
Humility is a great quality of leadership which derives respect and not just fear or hatred.
Yousef Munayyer
American writer
In order to properly understand the big picture, everyone should fear becoming mentally clouded and obsessed with one small section of truth.
Xun Zi
Chinese Confucian philosopher (c.310âafter 238 BCE)
Quarreling over food and drink, having neither scruples nor shame, not knowing right from wrong, not trying to avoid death or injury, not fearful of greater strength or of greater numbers, greedily aware only of food and drink - such is the bravery of the dog and boar.
Xun Zi
Chinese Confucian philosopher (c.310âafter 238 BCE)
The reserve of modern assertions is sometimes pushed to extremes, in which the fear of being contradicted leads the writer to strip himself of almost all sense and meaning.
Winston Churchill
British statesman, soldier and writer (1874â1965)
Vast and fearsome as the human scene has become, personal contact of the right people, in the right places, at the right time, may yet have a potent and valuable part to play in the cause of peace which is in our hearts.
Winston Churchill
British statesman, soldier and writer (1874â1965)
They did interviews with my wife and daughter-they were genuinely in fear of me having a heart attack, working 20 hours a day, eating fast food.
Willie Aames
American actor, film and television director
In modern business it is not the crook who is to be feared most, it is the honest man who doesn't know what he is doing.
William Wordsworth
English Romantic poet (1770â1850)
War is fear cloaked in courage.
William Westmoreland
United States Army general (1914-2005)
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