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Zora Neale Hurston quotes

Zora Neale Hurston
African American folklorist, novelist, short story writer, and Civic Rights advocate (1891-1960)

Zora Neale Hurston was an American author, anthropologist, and filmmaker. She portrayed racial struggles in the early-1900s American South and published research on hoodoo. The most popular of her four novels is Their Eyes Were Watching God, published in 1937. She also wrote more than 50 short stories, plays, and essays.
Reference: Wikipedia

Zora Neale Hurston Quotes

Grab the broom of anger and drive off the beast of fear.
So the brother in black offers to these United States the source of courage that endures, and laughter.
It is one of the blessings of this world that few people see visions and dream dreams.
It seems to me that trying to live without friends is like milking a bear to get cream for your morning coffee. It is a whole lot of trouble, and then not worth much after you get it.
It's a funny thing, the less people have to live for, the less nerve they have to risk losing nothing.

The present was an egg laid by the past that had the future inside its shell.
Trees and plants always look like the people they live with, somehow.
If you want that good feeling that comes from doing things for other folks then you have to pay for it in abuse and misunderstanding.
Love makes your soul crawl out from its hiding place.
I did not just fall in love. I made a parachute jump.

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