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Access to books and the encouragement of the habit of reading: these two things are the first and most necessary steps in education and librarians, teachers and parents all over the country know it. It is our children's right and it is also our best hope and their best hope for the future.
Michael Morpurgo quotes

Michael Morpurgo
British children's writer

I know why I am here and my only real focused goal is to live each day to the fullest and to try and honor God and be an encouragement to others. What the future holds is firmly in God's hands, and I am very happy about that!
Ken Hensley quotes

Ken Hensley
British musician (1945-2020)

I believed my story would be helpful to young women my daughter's age, who are still in the process of forming themselves as women, and in need of encouragement to remain true to themselves.
Joyce Maynard quotes

Joyce Maynard
American writer

But when women are moved and lend help, when women, who are by nature calm and controlled, give encouragement and applause, when virtuous and knowledgeable women grace the endeavor with their sweet love, then it is invincible.
Jose Marti quotes

Jose Marti
Cuban poet, philosopher and nationalist (1853–1895)

My work is to reach people with ideas, hopes, dreams, encouragement, insight, and revelation. That's what an actor wants to do.
John Astin quotes

John Astin
American actor

Encouragement after censure is as the sun after a shower.
Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe quotes

Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe
German writer, artist, natural scientist and politician (1749–1832)

I can't really criticize the Tea Party people, because I came into the White House pretty much on the same basis that they have become popular. That is dissatisfaction with the way things are going in Washington and disillusionment and disencouragement about the government.
Jimmy Carter quotes

Jimmy Carter
president of the United States from 1977 to 1981

I consider my ability to arouse enthusiasm among men the greatest asset I possess. The way to develop the best that is in a man is by appreciation and encouragement.
Charles Michael Schwab quotes

Charles Michael Schwab
American steel magnate (1862–1939)

We live by encouragement and die without it - slowly, sadly, angrily.
Celeste Holm quotes

Celeste Holm
American actress (1917-2012)

What would be the nicest thing I could say about Newt Gingrich? He may be one of the great supporters of the humanities, because you have people who don't want to study the social sciences, because it's not profitable, and now Newt, as the highest-paid historian in American history, may be an encouragement to people to study history.
Barney Frank quotes

Barney Frank
American politician, former member of the House of Representatives for Massachusetts

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