When I was four years old, my mother put me into a school for early music education where you get perfect pitch and harmony and composition.

日本の芸術家、シンガーソングライター、作家、平和活動家(1933- )
We have been learning since we were children how to make money, buy things, build things. The whole education system is set up to teach us how to think, not to feel.
Through first-class education, a generation marches down the long uncertain road of the future with confidence.
I had a terrible education. I attended a school for emotionally disturbed teachers.
His lack of education is more than compensated for by his keenly developed moral bankruptcy.
No part of the education of a politician is more indispensable than the fighting of elections.
I respect faith, but doubt is what gives you an education.
I don't think anybody anywhere can talk about the future of their people or of an organization without talking about education. Whoever controls the education of our children controls our future.
There are five issues that make a fist of a hand that can knock America out cold. They're lack of jobs, obesity, diabetes, homelessness, and lack of good education.
As we develop and get quicker with technology in America, it's like we're downgrading if you look at the investment in education... that's the thing that worries me.
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