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Recherche de devis

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William Weld quotes

William Weld
American politician, Governor of Massachusetts (1991-1997)

William Floyd Weld is an American attorney, businessman, author, and politician who served as the 68th Governor of Massachusetts from 1991 to 1997. A Harvard and Oxford graduate, Weld began his career as legal counsel to the United States House Committee on the Judiciary before becoming the United States Attorney for the District of Massachusetts and later, the United States Assistant Attorney General for the Criminal Division. He worked on a series of high-profile public corruption cases and later resigned in protest of an ethics scandal and associated investigations into Attorney General Edwin Meese.
Reference: Wikipedia

William Weld Quotes

I don't understand the Democrats' approach to Social Security in this country, and I'm not alone.
It's not good for government to tell people that the world owes them a living and that things are free.
I think government has a major role to play in helping us with the pursuit of happiness.


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Recherche de devis

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