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William James quotes

William James
American philosopher, psychologist, and pragmatist

William James was an American philosopher, historian, and psychologist, and the first educator to offer a psychology course in the United States. James is considered to be a leading thinker of the late 19th century, one of the most influential philosophers of the United States, and the "Father of American psychology".
Reference: Wikipedia

William James Quotes

It is well for the world that in most of us, by the age of thirty, the character has set like plaster, and will never soften again.
The art of being wise is the art of knowing what to overlook.
It is our attitude at the beginning of a difficult task which, more than anything else, will affect its successful outcome.
Whenever you're in conflict with someone, there is one factor that can make the difference between damaging your relationship and deepening it. That factor is attitude.
Success or failure depends more upon attitude than upon capacity successful men act as though they have accomplished or are enjoying something. Soon it becomes a reality. Act, look, feel successful, conduct yourself accordingly, and you will be amazed at the positive results.

There must be something solemn, serious, and tender about any attitude which we denominate religious. If glad, it must not grin or snicker if sad, it must not scream or curse.
To study the abnormal is the best way of understanding the normal.
The best argument I know for an immortal life is the existence of a man who deserves one.
The world we see that seems so insane is the result of a belief system that is not working. To perceive the world differently, we must be willing to change our belief system, let the past slip away, expand our sense of now, and dissolve the fear in our minds.
If you believe that feeling bad or worrying long enough will change a past or future event, then you are residing on another planet with a different reality system.


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