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Yuri Milner quotes

Yuri Milner
Russian entrepreneur and physicist

Yuri Borisovich (Bentsionovich) Milner is a Russian-Israeli entrepreneur, venture capitalist and physicist. Milner has been described as one of the world's most influential information technology investors. He is a cofounder and former chairperson of internet company Mail.Ru Group and a founder of investment firm DST Global, one of the largest and most influential venture firms in the world. Through DST Global, Milner is an investor in Byju’s, Facebook, Zynga, Stripe, Twitter, Flipkart, Spotify, Zocdoc, Groupon, JD.com, Xiaomi, OlaCabs, Alibaba, Airbnb, WhatsApp, Nubank, Wish, and many others.
Reference: Wikipedia

Yuri Milner Quotes

Facebook is at the forefront. It's the company that can fundamentally change the way information is being exchanged and processed. It can be the basis for artificial intelligence to develop over time.
There is huge demand for artificial intelligence technologies.


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