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Winston Churchill quotes

Winston Churchill
British statesman, soldier and writer (1874–1965)

Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill, was a British statesman, soldier and writer who served as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from 1940 to 1945, during the Second World War, and again from 1951 to 1955. Apart from two years between 1922 and 1924, he was a Member of Parliament (MP) from 1900 to 1964 and represented a total of five constituencies. Ideologically an economic liberal and imperialist, he was for most of his career a member of the Conservative Party, which he led from 1940 to 1955. He was a member of the Liberal Party from 1904 to 1924.
Reference: Wikipedia

Winston Churchill Quotes

We shape our buildings thereafter they shape us.
Without tradition, art is a flock of sheep without a shepherd. Without innovation, it is a corpse.
Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference.
The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter.
It is no use saying, 'We are doing our best.' You have got to succeed in doing what is necessary.

I am easily satisfied with the very best.
The short words are best, and the old words are the best of all.
Broadly speaking, the short words are the best, and the old words best of all.
In war as in life, it is often necessary when some cherished scheme has failed, to take up the best alternative open, and if so, it is folly not to work for it with all your might.
Short words are best and the old words when short are best of all.

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