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Pencarian Kutipan Selebriti (Bahasa Inggris)

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Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart quotes

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Austrian composer of the Classical period

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, baptised as Joannes Chrysostomus Wolfgangus Theophilus Mozart, was a prolific and influential composer of the Classical period. Despite his short life, his rapid pace of composition resulted in more than 800 works of virtually every genre of his time. Many of these compositions are acknowledged as pinnacles of the symphonic, concertante, chamber, operatic, and choral repertoire. Mozart is widely regarded as among the greatest composers in the history of Western music, with his music admired for its "melodic beauty, its formal elegance and its richness of harmony and texture".
Reference: Wikipedia

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Quotes

One must not make oneself cheap here - that is a cardinal point - or else one is done. Whoever is most impertinent has the best chance.
When I am traveling in a carriage, or walking after a good meal, or during the night when I cannot sleep it is on such occasions that ideas flow best and most abundantly.
It is a great consolation for me to remember that the Lord, to whom I had drawn near in humble and child-like faith, has suffered and died for me, and that He will look on me in love and compassion.
I thank my God for graciously granting me the opportunity of learning that death is the key which unlocks the door to our true happiness.
Neither a lofty degree of intelligence nor imagination nor both together go to the making of genius. Love, love, love, that is the soul of genius.


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