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Xun Zi
Xun Zi fue un filósofo chino seguidor del Confucianismo que vivió durante el período de los Reinos Combatientes y contribuyó en una de las Cien escuelas del pensamiento. Xun Zi creía que las tendencias innatas del hombre necesitan ser refrenadas por medio de la educación, contradiciendo la opinión de Mencio de que el hombre es bueno por naturaleza. Asimismo, sostenía que las normas éticas fueron inventadas para rectificar a la humanidad.
Reference: Wikipedia
Citas de Xun Zi en inglés
A person is born with feelings of envy and hate. If he gives way to them, they will lead him to violence and crime, and any sense of loyalty and good faith will be abandoned.
If knowledge and foresight are too penetrating and deep, unify them with ease and sincerity.
If the blood humor is too strong and robust, calm it with balance and harmony.
In order to properly understand the big picture, everyone should fear becoming mentally clouded and obsessed with one small section of truth.
Quarreling over food and drink, having neither scruples nor shame, not knowing right from wrong, not trying to avoid death or injury, not fearful of greater strength or of greater numbers, greedily aware only of food and drink - such is the bravery of the dog and boar.
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