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Willie Aames quotes

Willie Aames
actor y director de cine estadounidense

Willie Aames es un actor estadounidense. Conocido por interpretar a Tommy Bradford en la serie Eight Is Enough (1977-1981), y Buddy Lembeck en Charles in Charge (1984-1990) y también como Bibleman en la serie directamente para vídeo Bibleman (1995-2003).
Reference: Wikipedia

Citas de Willie Aames en inglés

Being stubborn can be a good thing. Being stubborn can be a bad thing. It just depends on how you use it.
God continues to work miracles in my life.
God gives me the children's ministry heart and patience. This is what He wants. It's awesome. I don't know where He's gonna take it - but God is building this thing.
I get scared to death when I see people who say they've found Jesus Christ, and they're out there, and I wonder, who's teaching them? Who's mentoring them?
They did interviews with my wife and daughter-they were genuinely in fear of me having a heart attack, working 20 hours a day, eating fast food.

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