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William Morris quotes

William Morris
arquitecto, diseñador y maestro textil, traductor, poeta, novelista y activista socialista británico

William Morris fue un arquitecto, diseñador y maestro textil, traductor, poeta, novelista y activista socialista británico. Asociado con el movimiento británico Arts and Crafts, fue uno de los principales promotores de la reactivación del arte textil tradicional, manteniendo, recuperando y mejorando los métodos de producción artesanales frente a la producción en cadena e industrial. Fue un gran defensor de la conservación del patrimonio arquitectónico religioso y civil. Sus aportaciones literarias contribuyeron a extender el género moderno de la fantasía. Desempeñó un importante y muy activo papel en la propaganda y difusión, mediante escritos, mítines y conferencias, del incipiente movimiento socialista británico.
Reference: Wikipedia

Citas de William Morris en inglés

A man at work, making something which he feels will exist because he is working at it and wills it, is exercising the energies of his mind and soul as well as of his body. Memory and imagination help him as he works.
History has remembered the kings and warriors, because they destroyed art has remembered the people, because they created.
I do not want art for a few any more than education for a few, or freedom for a few.
If you cannot learn to love real art at least learn to hate sham art.
It took me years to understand that words are often as important as experience, because words make experience last.

So long as the system of competition in the production and exchange of the means of life goes on, the degradation of the arts will go on and if that system is to last for ever, then art is doomed, and will surely die that is to say, civilization will die.
The past is not dead, it is living in us, and will be alive in the future which we are now helping to make.
The true secret of happiness lies in taking a genuine interest in all the details of daily life.


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