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Wendell Lewis Willkie quotes

Wendell Lewis Willkie

Reference: Wikipedia

Citas de Wendell Lewis Willkie en inglés

Freedom is an indivisible word. If we want to enjoy it, and fight for it, we must be prepared to extend it or everyone, whether they are rich or poor, whether they agree with us or not, no matter what their race or the color of their skin.
Our way of living together in America is a strong but delicate fabric. It is made up of many threads. It has been woven over many centuries by the patience and sacrifice of countless liberty-loving men and women. It serves as a cloak for the protection of poor and rich, of black and white, of Jew and Gentile, of foreign and native born. Let us not tear it asunder. For no man knows, once it is destroyed, where or when man will find its protective warmth again.
The test of good manners is to be able to put up pleasantly with bad ones.
Whenever we take away the liberties of those whom we hate we are opening the way to loss of liberty for those we love.


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