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Sócrates quotes

filósofo griego clásico ateniense

Sócrates fue un filósofo clásico griego considerado como uno de los más grandes, tanto de la filosofía occidental como de la universal. Fue maestro de Platón, quien tuvo a Aristóteles como discípulo, siendo estos tres los representantes fundamentales de la filosofía de la Antigua Grecia. Otros discípulos suyos son Antístenes, Aristipo y Esquines.
Reference: Wikipedia

Citas de Sócrates en inglés

All men's souls are immortal, but the souls of the righteous are immortal and divine.
As to marriage or celibacy, let a man take which course he will, he will be sure to repent.
Be slow to fall into friendship but when thou art in, continue firm and constant.
Beauty is a short-lived tyranny.
Beware the barrenness of a busy life.

By all means, marry. If you get a good wife, you'll become happy if you get a bad one, you'll become a philosopher.
False words are not only evil in themselves, but they infect the soul with evil.
He is a man of courage who does not run away, but remains at his post and fights against the enemy.
I only wish that ordinary people had an unlimited capacity for doing harm then they might have an unlimited power for doing good.
If thou continuest to take delight in idle argumentation thou mayest be qualified to combat with the sophists, but will never know how to live with men.


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