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Rudyard Kipling
escritor inglés ganador de un Premio Nobel
Joseph Rudyard Kipling fue un escritor y poeta británico. Es el autor de relatos, cuentos infantiles, novelas y poesía. Algunas de sus obras más populares son la colección de relatos The Jungle Book, la novela de espionaje Kim (1901), el relato corto «The Man Who Would Be King», publicado originalmente en el volumen The Phantom Rickshaw, o los poemas «Gunga Din» (1892) e «If»—. Varias de sus obras han sido llevadas al cine.
Reference: Wikipedia
Citas de Rudyard Kipling en inglés
Adam was a gardener, and God, who made him, sees that half of all good gardening is done upon the knees.
All the money in the world is no use to a man or his country if he spends it as fast as he makes it. All he has left is his bills and the reputation for being a fool.
All the people like us are we, and everyone else is They.
And the first rude sketch that the world had seen was joy to his mighty heart, till the Devil whispered behind the leaves 'It's pretty, but is it Art?'
Any fool can waste, any fool can muddle, but it takes something of a man to save, and the more he saves the more of a man does it make of him.
Borrow trouble for yourself if that's your nature, but don't lend it to your neighbors.
Brothers and Sisters, I bid you beware Of giving your heart to a dog to tear.
Down to Gehenna or up to the Throne, He travels fastest who travels alone.
Enough work to do, and strength enough to do the work.
For all we have and are, For all our children's fate, Stand up and take the war. The Hun is at the gate!
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