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Neal A. Maxwell quotes

Neal A. Maxwell

Neal Ash Maxwell fue un apóstol y un miembro del Quórum de los Doce Apóstoles de La Iglesia de Jesucristo de los Santos de los Últimos Días desde 1981 hasta su muerte.
Reference: Wikipedia

Citas de Neal A. Maxwell en inglés

... Our God is a God of love. He waits with open arms, and the unfolding of His merciful plan of salvation is not only therefore the mark of divine power but also the mark of God's relentless, redeeming love. It is a point well worth pondering because, among other reasons, it will help us to understand better why God, through the prophets, denounces sin and corruption in such scalding terms. He loves all of us, His spirit sons and daughters, but hates our vices. His denunciation of those vices may, if we are not careful, seem to obscure the enormous and perfect love He has for us.
A patient willingness to defer dividends is a hallmark of individual maturity.
All crosses are easier to carry when we keep moving.
At the center of our agency is our freedom to form a healthy attitude toward whatever circumstances we are placed in!
At times God's best pupils experience the most rigorous and continuous courses. Eventually those who prove to be men of Christ will thereby become distinguished alumni of life's school of affliction, graduating with honors.

Conscience warns us not to sink our cleats too deeply in mortal turf, which is so dangerously artificial.
Defectors often cause more difficulty than disinterested disbelievers.
Discouragement is not the absence of adequacy but the absence of courage.
Each day I see all about me the fruits of commandment-keeping.
For the faithful, our finest hours are sometimes during or just following our darkest hours.


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