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Muhammad Yunus quotes

Muhammad Yunus
economista y banquero bengalí. Premio Nobel de la Paz

Muhammad Yunus, es un emprendedor social, banquero, economista y líder social bangladesí condecorado con el Premio Nobel de la Paz por desarrollar el Banco Grameen y ser el desarrollador de los conceptos de microcrédito,, y microfinanzas. Estos créditos son otorgados a emprendedores que son muy pobres para calificar a un crédito en un banco tradicional. En 2006, Yunus y el Banco Grameen fueron condecorados con el Premio Nobel de la Paz "por sus esfuerzos para incentivar el desarrollo social y económico desde abajo". El Comité Noruego Nobel hizo notar que "la paz duradera no puede ser alcanzada a menos que grandes grupos de la población encuentren formas en las que puedan salir de la pobreza" y que "a través de culturas y civilizaciones, Yunus y el Banco Grameen han demostrado que hasta los más pobres de entre los pobres pueden trabajar para su propio desarrollo. Yunus ha recibido varios honores tanto nacionales como internacionales. Recibiendo por parte de los Estados Unidos la Medalla Presidencial de la Libertad en 2009 y la Medalla Dorada del Congreso en 2010.
Reference: Wikipedia

Citas de Muhammad Yunus en inglés

Civilization has given us enormous successes: going to the moon, technology. But then this is the civilisation that took us to debt, environmental crisis, every single crisis. We need a civilization where we say goodbye to these things.
Human beings are much bigger than just making money.
I had no idea that I would ever get involved with something like lending money to poor people, given the circumstances in which I was working in Bangladesh.
I said peace is sometimes narrowly interpreted it's the absence of conflict between nations or something. But peace is more inherent, more basic to human life, human beings, what we feel about each other, what we feel about life around us and what we see in our future.
I went to the bank and proposed that they lend money to the poor people. The bankers almost fell over.

My greatest challenge has been to change the mindset of people. Mindsets play strange tricks on us. We see things the way our minds have instructed our eyes to see.
Soon we saw that money going to women brought much more benefit to the family than money going to the men. So we changed our policy and gave a high priority to women. As a result, now 96% of our four million borrowers in Grameen Bank are women.
There is the expression of selfishness and there is the expression of selflessness - but economists or theoreticians never touched that part. They said: 'Go and become a philanthropist.' I said, 'No, I can do that in the business world, create a different kind of business - a business based on selflessness.'
What we are trying to do is to create a social business in Bangladesh, a joint venture to create restaurants for common people. Good, healthy food at affordable prices so that people don't have to opt for food that is unhealthy and unhygienic.


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