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Our society needs to recognize the unstoppable momentum toward unequivocal civil equality for every gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered citizen of this country.
Zachary Quinto
actor estadounidense
It became clear to me in an instant that living a gay life without publicly acknowledging it is simply not enough to make any significant contribution to the immense work that lies ahead on the road to complete equality.
Zachary Quinto
actor estadounidense
Humility is a great quality of leadership which derives respect and not just fear or hatred.
There can be no equality or opportunity if men and women and children be not shielded in their lives from the consequences of great industrial and social processes which they cannot alter, control, or singly cope with.
Woodrow Wilson
28.° presidente de los Estados Unidos
Courage is rightly esteemed the first of human qualities... because it is the quality which guarantees all others.
Winston Churchill
primer ministro del Reino Unido (1940-1945 y 1951-1955)
Courage is the finest of human qualities because it is the quality which guarantees all others.
Winston Churchill
primer ministro del Reino Unido (1940-1945 y 1951-1955)
Mysteriously and in ways that are totally remote from natural experience, the gray drizzle of horror induced by depression takes on the quality of physical pain.
Reserve is an artificial quality that is developed in most of us but as the result of innumerable rebuffs.
William Somerset Maugham
escritor británico (siglos XIX-XX)
If you want a quality, act as if you already had it.
William James
filósofo y psicólogo estadounidense
Education is the process in which we discover that learning adds quality to our lives. Learning must be experienced.
William Glasser
psiquiatra estadounidense
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