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The influences that really make and mar human happiness are beyond the reach of the law. The law can keep neighbors from trespassing, but it cannot put neighborly courtesy and goodwill into their relations.
Courtesy is as much a mark of a gentleman as courage.

Theodore Roosevelt
26.° presidente de los Estados Unidos
My business was great, and in such a case as mine a man may strain courtesy.
A paparazzo once jumped out of a car and started running backward with me. I slowed down out of courtesy because she started drifting into the street. I reached out my hand and moved her back so she didn't get hit by a bus.

Sean Astin
actor estadounidense
A tree is known by its fruit a man by his deeds. A good deed is never lost he who sows courtesy reaps friendship, and he who plants kindness gathers love.
Life is not so short but that there is always time enough for courtesy.

Ralph Waldo Emerson
ensayista y poeta estadounidense
Life be not so short but that there is always time for courtesy.

Ralph Waldo Emerson
ensayista y poeta estadounidense
High erected thoughts seated in the heart of courtesy.
There is a courtesy of the heart it is allied to love. From its springs the purest courtesy in the outward behavior.

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
poeta, novelista, dramaturgo y científico alemán
Of courtesy, it is much less Than courage of heart or holiness, Yet in my walks it seems to me That the Grace of God is in courtesy.

Hilaire Belloc
escritor ingles
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