(Disclaimer: Job Finder is just a serching tool. The job postings themselves are not hosted on and users are always redirected to the original job listing once clicking the links. makes no promises about the results of the service.)
Postdoctoral Position (M/F) in Human-Machine Interaction and Emotional Responses: Art-Science Device for Respiratory Rehabilitation
Offer Description The postdoctoral researcher will be responsible for designing, developing, and evaluating an innovative experimental device that combines art and science to study real-time spontaneous emotional reactions and associated ...
Gif-sur-Yvette, EssonneMon, 20 Jan 2025Etude de résonances baryoniques pour explorer la dynamique des collisions d'ions lourds à des énergies de quelques GeV avec des résonances baryoniques // Investigating the dynamics of heavy-ion collisions at energies of a few GeV with baryonic resonance
Offer Description L'interaction forte, décrite par la Chromodynamique Quantique,(QCD), est responsable de la composition des nucléons en quarks et gluons, la génération de la plus grande partie de sa masse et de la structure des noyaux at...
Orsay, EssonneSun, 19 Jan 2025Senior Engineer - Reactor Core Thermal Hydraulic Design
Westinghouse Electric CompanyAre you interested in being part of an innovative team that supports Westinghouse's mission to provide clean energy solutions? At Westinghouse, we recognize that our employees are our most valuable asset and we seek to identify, attract and...
Orsay, EssonneSat, 18 Jan 2025Senior Counsel
Westinghouse Electric CompanyAt Westinghouse, our mission is to help the world address the challenge of a changing climate by enabling public utilities and local governments to deliver clean, safe, reliable, and carbon-free energy. The Global Legal organization plays a...
Orsay, EssonneSat, 18 Jan 2025post-doctoral researcher M/F
Offer Description Astrocytes are emerging as key players in many diseases, through complex and yet-to-characterize communication with neurons. The goal of this project funded by an Equipe FRM grant is to explore how astrocytes use transcr...
Saclay, EssonneSat, 18 Jan 2025Nuclear Engineer - Principal
Westinghouse Electric CompanyAre you interested in being part of an innovative team that supports Westinghouse's mission to provide clean energy solutions? At Westinghouse, we recognize that our employees are our most valuable asset and we seek to identify, attract and...
Orsay, EssonneSat, 18 Jan 2025Senior Nuclear Engineer, Criticality & Safety
Westinghouse Electric CompanyAre you interested in being part of an innovative team that supports Westinghouse's mission to provide clean energy solutions? At Westinghouse, we recognize that our employees are our most valuable asset and we seek to identify, attract and...
Orsay, EssonneSat, 18 Jan 2025Senior Engineer - Fuel Performance Engineer
Westinghouse Electric CompanyAre you interested in being part of an innovative team that supports Westinghouse's mission to provide clean energy solutions? At Westinghouse, we recognize that our employees are our most valuable asset and we seek to identify, attract and...
Orsay, EssonneSat, 18 Jan 2025Project Commercial Director
Westinghouse Electric CompanyAre you interested in being part of an innovative team that supports Westinghouse's mission to provide clean energy solutions? At Westinghouse, we recognize that our employees are our most valuable asset and we seek to identify, attract and...
Orsay, EssonneSat, 18 Jan 2025Apprentissage non-supervisé de séries temporelles SAR pour l'estimation de paramètres forestier // Unsupervised Machine Learning for forest parameters estimation using SAR time-series
Offer Description La biomasse est une quantité critique pour le changement climatique. Sa mesure est donc utile pour évaluer l'état du changement climatique, l'(in)efficacité des actions visant à le contrôler, la manière dont les crédits ...
Gif-sur-Yvette, EssonneSat, 18 Jan 2025Related Miniwebtools:
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